api/batch - list of evse ids

The batch evse id endpoint creates a pricing structure for a list of given evse ids.

Request Parameters
Parameter Required Description
evseIds yes Compliant with the following to calculate the stepCosts: specification for EVSE ID from “eMI3”. e.g. BE-BEC-E041503001 - comma separated
tag_id, emaid, authendicationUuid yes Tag Id, emaid or uuid from the card/token - only one of those three can be used at once
consumption no fictional consumption in Wh which will be used in the calculation. If left empty no calculation will be done
duration, duration_in_minutes no total duration in seconds or minutes. If left empty no calculation will be done
currency no desired currency. If left empty default settings will be used

The response contains a map of evse ids and rates.

Sample Request for the batch request

Request Parameters
Parameter Value Description
evseIds CH*AAA*E00001,AT*AAA*E00001 comma separated list of evse ids
tag_id SOMETHING  
curl --location --request GET 'https://yourinstancename.beenergised.cloud/api/pricing/batch?evseIds=CH*AAA*E00001,AT*AAA*E00001tag_id=SOMETHING' \
--header 'x-api-token: your_token'
    "CH*AAA*E00001": {
        "rateName": "xxx Tariff",
        "costId": 1234,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "localCurrency": "EUR",
        "costTotalLocalCurrency": null,
        "currencyConversionRate": 1,
        "costTotal": null,
        "costTime": null,
        "costPower": null,
        "priceStructure": {
            "energy": {
                "unit": "Wh",
                "elements": [
                        "intervalChange": 100,
                        "intervalCosts": 0,
                        "stepCosts": null
                        "intervalChange": 101,
                        "intervalCosts": 60.6,
                        "stepCosts": null
                        "intervalChange": 102,
                        "intervalCosts": 0.6,
                        "stepCosts": null
            "time": {
                "unit": "min",
                "elements": []
    "AT*AAA*E00001": {
        "rateName": "xxx Tariff",
        "costId": 1234,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "localCurrency": "EUR",
        "costTotalLocalCurrency": null,
        "currencyConversionRate": 1,
        "costTotal": null,
        "costTime": null,
        "costPower": null,
        "priceStructure": {
            "energy": {
                "unit": "Wh",
                "elements": [
                        "intervalChange": 100,
                        "intervalCosts": 0,
                        "stepCosts": null
                        "intervalChange": 101,
                        "intervalCosts": 60.6,
                        "stepCosts": null
                        "intervalChange": 102,
                        "intervalCosts": 0.6,
                        "stepCosts": null
            "time": {
                "unit": "min",
                "elements": []