Datastructures -------------- .. csv-table:: Rate :file: rate_object.csv :widths: 20 20 10 50 :header-rows: 1 .. list-table:: Paginated Response :widths: 20 20 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Cardinality - Description * - pagination - Pagination Object - 1 - Pagination object, which contains information for fetching the next page * - data - Map - 1 - Map of evse ids to their resolved rate objects .. list-table:: Pagination Object :widths: 20 20 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Cardinality - Description * - nextCursorId - string - 1 - pager string which can be passed for the next page to fetch * - isLastPage - boolean - 1 - Indicator if this was the last page received (`true` if last page otherwise `false`) .. list-table:: Price Structure Object :widths: 20 20 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Cardinality - Description * - energy - Type Energy / Time Object - 1 - Energy based cost rate * - time - Type Energy / Time Object - 1 - Time based cost rate .. list-table:: Price Structure Object :widths: 20 20 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Cardinality - Description * - unit - String - 1 - The unit of the price structure object. energy → Wh, time → min. * - elements - Element[] - 1..* - The interval cost elements * - tax - Double - ? - Not present if include_tax parameter is not set .. list-table:: Element Object :widths: 20 20 10 30 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Type - Cardinality - Description - Unit * - intervalChange - int - 1 - Interval change in Wh or min. - Wh or s respectively * - stepCosts - number - 1 - Cost per kWh or min - currency * - intervalCosts - number - 1 - Costs for this interval - Currency(e.g. €)/kWh or currency/min respectively