api/all_paged - paginated list of prices per evse id ---------------------------------------------------- The `all_paged` endpoint allows the user of the api to receive all evse ids and their rate mappings reachable on the given mandant. The pagination happens cursor based, the cursor received from the response can be used to get the next page. .. list-table:: Request Parameters :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Required - Description * - cursor - yes - Unique identifier for a specific record, start for next page, first cursor equals `start`. If not on the first page use the last cursor received. * - limit - yes - Specifying the maximum page size * - tag_id, emaid, authendicationUuid - yes - Tag Id, emaid or uuid from the card/token - only one of those three can be used at once The response contains a paginated response object. Sample Request for the paginated request ======================================== .. list-table:: Request Parameters :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Value - Description * - tag_id - SOMETHING - * - limit - 100 - 100 entries will be returned * - cursor - start - initial cursor value .. code-block:: bash curl --location --request GET 'https://yourinstancename.beenergised.cloud/api/pricing/all_paged?tag_id=SOMETHING&limit=100&cursor=start' \ --header 'x-api-token: your_token' .. code-block:: json { "pagination": { "nextCursorId": "80afa4ff-a4c4-4a36-972b-c3bd70120de2", "isLastPage": false }, "data": { "CH*AAA*E00001": { "rateName": "xxx Tariff", "costId": 1234, "currency": "EUR", "localCurrency": "EUR", "costTotalLocalCurrency": null, "currencyConversionRate": 1, "costTotal": null, "costTime": null, "costPower": null, "priceStructure": { "energy": { "unit": "Wh", "elements": [ { "intervalChange": 100, "intervalCosts": 0, "stepCosts": null }, { "intervalChange": 101, "intervalCosts": 60.6, "stepCosts": null }, { "intervalChange": 102, "intervalCosts": 0.6, "stepCosts": null } ] }, "time": { "unit": "min", "elements": [] } } } } } Next page should be fetched with: .. code-block:: bash curl --location --request GET 'https://yourinstancename.beenergised.cloud/api/pricing/all_paged?tag_id=SOMETHING&limit=100&cursor=80afa4ff-a4c4-4a36-972b-c3bd70120de2' \ --header 'x-api-token: your_token'