Meter values ============ The meter values api offers the possibility to fetch all meter values send by the station via OCPP. This API is always time based, so a query against this endpoint always needs to set a `filter[from]` and `filter[to]` parameter (see example below), as well as the measurand. The measurand follows the constants defined in the OCPP protocol. Reading ------- The operating times can be either read in the context of a station `/cpoapi/v1/charging_stations//meter_values` or for a certain connector `/cpoapi/v1/connectors//meter_values`. .. code-block:: bash curl --location -g --request GET '[from]=2022-11-24T07:41:00.000Z&filters[to]=2022-11-31T07:41:00.000Z&filters[measurand]=SoC&page[pageSize]=100&page[pageNr]=2' \ --header 'Authorization: ' \ --data-raw '' The list endpoint works with `paged pagination `__.